Nós só podemos ver um pouco do futuro, mas o suficiente para perceber que há o que fazer. - Alan Turing
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Legal Rap

Legal Rap: Law, Contracts, and More!

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Legal issues come up every day,

From Alaska Native Legal Services, to lease forms for rental property,

We’ve got the info, we’ll make it all clear and free,

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Alaska Native Legal Services Link
Lease Forms for Rental Property Link
Legal Dictation Jobs Link

From Louisiana purchase to marriage contract drama,

We’ve got the contracts and drama, no need for a comma,

How do I get my green dot bank statement? Don’t worry, it’s not grim,

Just click here, it’s easy, not a sin,

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Marriage Contract Drama Viki Link
Legal Dictation Jobs Link

So whether it’s well easement or refraction of light,

We’ve got the agreements and laws, the info’s bright,

Legal documents in India? We’ve got the format and the style,

Just visit this link, you’ll be top of the pile.

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Well Easement Agreement Link
Legal Documents Format India Link